Sunday, April 22, 2012

Questions not to ask. Apparently.

I leave for Paris three weeks from today! Obviously, this means that instead of focusing on my finals, I find time to think of things I still need to buy for my trip. Today, for example, I wandered around on amazon (on my iPad, another pre-trip purchase...hehe) looking for power adapters for my Apple gagdets. $5 plus shipping and handling later, I have two USB charge plugs with circular Euro prongs.

Thinking about technology and working in France, I started to wonder about what the office situation in Paris is going to be like. I know it's a relatively small office, so while I am wondering about whether I will have a broom closet office to call my own, I start to consider whether I will need to bring a laptop to work everyday.

This is, to me, a reasonable question because for my last two internships here in the States, I have had to bring my own laptop to work. For one I had my own office, for the other it was bring-your-own-laptop-and-fight-off-the-other-interns-for-the-best-table-in-the-joint.

The laptop dilemma causes me great mental pain because I have 2 laptops: a small netbook thing on loan from my mom that's so slow and so bad at multitasking that I have black and white flashbacks to Windows95, or my regular size laptop that I got for law school that likes to turn itself off in the middle of taking notes for class, irrespective of whether I have recently saved my work.

Neither choice is appealing. But the thing is, I don't know what I need!! << great mental strife.

I've never seen this office, and in my interview I didn't want to seem too presumptuous, like, "what kind of office space will you provide for me? Will I have a desktop? A staff of four? Lunch vouchers?" I suppose I could have asked those questions more generally, like "will your intern have an office computer" but I was really not thinking that far ahead back in October. I cannot understate my complete lack of knowing what to expect. It's a small office of an international law firm that does not appear accustomed to taking interns. P.S. I do get lunch vouchers, that information was volunteered. (because I totally would have thought to ask about that).

So, I decide that this is a reasonable question and that I will email my contact person at the law firm. I write a little greeting followed by something like this, "I'm wondering about technology: will I need to bring my own laptop or will there begone available for me to use at the office? Thanks. I'm excited to start soon, etc."

To which I receive the following response:
"Dear Cate

We are an international law firm and have all the necessary technology
to operate internationally.  You could bring your laptop for use at the
place that you are staying but you will not need it in the office...."

I feel dumb.

Really dumb.

My husband says I should not have used the word "technology" to preface my question about the computer issue. Makes it sound like I'm next going to ask whether they have electricity, or perhaps an outhouse. But that's not what I meant! I had a reasonable question, damn it!

I replied. Said thanks,that was my hunch but for my last two internships I've had to bring my own. We'll just have to laugh about this later...I didn't say that.

I still don't know for a fact that I'll have an office. They could have me squatting in the hallway waiting for assignments, but with a company-supplied laptop, of course.

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